Prescott Brothers Ford of Princeton

Mar 25, 2020
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Dubbed National Car Care Month by the Car Care Council, April is the perfect time for a spring tune-up. Continue reading to learn how you can maintain and equip your car to make travel safer on the roads this summer.

Tips for National Car Care Month

Air Conditioning

With summer quickly approaching, this cool spring breeze will soon be replaced with sweltering heat and humidity. Take action now to prevent having to face an afternoon commute dripping in sweat. Check your HVAC system to ensure it is in working order. Also request to have the compressor and compressor belts examined to avoid any future headaches. This simple step will ensure you can keep the heat of summer outside. 

Tires, Wheels, and Brakes

While tires are designed to take a beating, simple steps can extend the life of your tires and help them maintain healthy traction on the road. This month, carefully inspect your tires for signs of damage, excessive wear and tear, and for proper inflation. Schedule an appointment to have your tires rotated and your wheels aligned. This will help your tires to wear evenly and avoid potential blowouts on the highway. 


If you can’t remember the last time you had your brakes inspected, schedule service today. Doing so could mean the difference of life or death in the event of a collision. Brake pads, brake fluids, brake hydraulics, and rotors can be damaged over time and require routine maintenance or replacement. 

Windshield Wipers and Lighting

Chances are, you don’t really notice your windshield wipers until they are falling apart or until you’re stuck in a surprise afternoon thunderstorm. With spring showers on the way, it’s time to inspect and replace your windshield wipers now so that you can avoid limited visibility when the next rainstorm hits or when pollen begins to build up and limit your visibility. 


Also vital for visibility on dark roads or rainy days, the headlights are in need of attention. Salt and grime from the winter months can build up which limits the light you see on the road ahead. Give your headlights and taillights a deep clean and make sure every bulb is in working order so you can safely navigate the streets. 

Give Your Ford the Attention It Deserves in Princeton, IL

Celebrate National Car Care Month with us and give your car the tune-up it deserves at Prescott Brothers Ford Lincoln of Princeton. Our Ford service center is equipped to handle inspections, repairs, and replacements. Give us a call today or drop by our dealership to learn more.